The Newcastle Clinical Skills Academy (NCSA) is committed to helping all interested parties navigate the prospectus of courses we have on offer here at the Newcastle Hospitals.
Whether you are a member of our staff at the Trust seeking opportunities for personal or professional development or an external delegate interested in a particular course or programme we run here, our team looks forward to exploring all options available with you.
Who we are
Clare Casson, Project Manager
Clare oversees distribution of CPD funding for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professional (NMAHP) staff and development of the NCSA prospectus of courses.
Joanne Hyslop, Assistant Workforce Development Officer
Joanne oversees administration of CPD funding applications and day to day running of the NCSA.
Curriculum Developer
Supports course leads to prepare course materials in line with the NCSA quality assurance standards.
David Long, Support Officer
David supports the administration of CPD funding applications and day to day running of the NCSA.
Lynn Watson, Communications Manager for NMAHPs
Lynn oversees the communication and marketing activities for the NSCA and dissemination of key messages around NMAHP CPD funding opportunities across the Trust.
Wayne Elliott, Associate Director Commercial Enterprise, Commercial Enterprise Team
Wayne oversees the pursuit of income generation and commercial opportunities during the development of courses and programmes made available to external delegates.
Contact us
You can contact us in a range of ways:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0191 2824710
Or use our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.