How do I apply for CPD funding?
To apply for CPD funding, you need to complete the study leave form which can be found on the intranet under Policies and Guidelines.
Please make sure your Study Leave application has been approved with your line manager and that you tick the box highlighting your request to access CPD funding. The completed form should then be returned to
What other funding is available to support my development?
There are a number of funding sources – all staff can make an application to the Trust Study Leave budget but you may need to pay a personal contribution towards your learning depending on the ‘level’ determined by the service/personal requirement for the request as outlined in the Study Leave Policy which can be found on the intranet under Policies and Guidelines.
Continuing Workforce Development (CWD) funding is available to non-medical, clinical staff including Health Care Scientists and Pharmacists.
You may also have access to departmental funding.
How can I use the CPD funding?
You can use your funding to apply for conferences or learning opportunities.
Please be aware that internal ie. in-house education and development opportunities and courses have a value dependant on their length and commitment required, not just external training. For example, a whole day course may be £100 and a half-day event may be £50.
You will be able to apply for funding for different educational activity eg. in-house study days, modules at universities and conferences, and these may be classroom based or virtual.
Some internal provision is mandatory and does not require CPD funding eg. Basic Life Support and fire training.
Will CPD funding be used for essential learning?
Some essential learning will have CPD funding allocated accordingly. For example, ‘Preceptorship’ or ‘New to Post Clinical Skills’.
While these are considered ‘essential to your role’ they are additional to corporate and local induction, and what you would receive if you were employed in the same role at another organisation.
Are there restrictions on the use of CPD funding?
CPD funding can only be used for the development of staff and not for statutory and mandatory training, backfill for staff attending training, or to fund Professional Registration Fees.
All applications must be for learning/education purposes and be able to demonstrate a direct benefit to the NHS. CPD funding covers the course fee only – not travel, accommodation or subsistence.
Additional funding can be arranged via the Trust’s Study Leave Policy for these costs.
Do I need to use CPD funding if I am completing the Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) pathway?
ACPs continue to be funded by Health Education England (HEE) so if you have been awarded ACP funding, you would not need to use CPD funding for these.
What happens if I leave the Trust during this time?
If you leave the Trust during this time you would not need to repay CPD funding. However, other funding provided would need to be repaid as per the ‘bonding’ arrangement in the Study Leave policy on the intranet under Policies and Guidelines.
How do I get help to identify my development needs?
Your annual appraisal is the ideal time to discuss how you can develop yourself further, or you can arrange a career conversation at any time. You and your manager should agree aims and objectives as part of your Personal Development Plan (PDP) including how to make CPD work for you.
Many staff benefit from going on conferences, study days or webinars. You may develop a new interest or see a course advertised you’d like to explore.
We can help you find what you are looking for to suit your role, and the funding to make it a reality.
How will I know what learning/courses are on offer?
You can access information provided by all usual sources such as your line manager, clinical educators, the intranet or email adverts.
And there are useful links on our regional universities for example:
Northumbria University Newcastle University Postgraduate e:Learning Sunderland UniversityYou can also call extension 24710 or email
What if I have a new idea for education and training?
If you have an idea for design and delivery of learning or development not currently available then please contact the team.
Not every idea will be viable but we will review and discuss your suggestion with the appropriate staff to see if we can support the development of new, quality assured, education in line with the Trust’s priorities and training needs.
For any new course ideas or any other questions please use our enquiries form.