Cone-beam CT is an exciting development in dental and maxillofacial imaging
However, the previous guidance on the safe use of dental x-ray equipment does not address CBCT as the radiation protection measures needed for this modality extend beyond the previous guidance.
This 3 day course run in Newcastle by Dr Neil Health, Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist has been validated by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow) in order to match the recommended hours for Level 2 reporting.
If delegates have recently received a certificate for Level 1 then they can attend days 1 and 3 only, if they wish. These delegates can attend the second day of the CBCT course (2a) as it builds on the first day and more workshop elements are included to maximise CBCT teaching and reporting in the time available.
Day 1: Wednesday 17 December 2025
Day 2: Thursday 18 December 2025
Day 3: Wednesday 4 February 2026
Legal requirements
A dentist referring for CBCT is legally required by the Department of Health to have undertaken ‘Core Training in CBCT’ as outlined in the HPA-CRCE-010 report. This CBCT training is additional to that already required as part of the Continuing Education and Training in radiology and radiation protection.
In line with this report, practices owning a CBCT unit or wishing to make referrals for CBCT examinations should ensure their staff are trained in the CBCT Core Curriculum.
This unique Specialist Consultant taught course offers a three day interactive educational experience focusing on the theory behind the safe operation and referral for CBCT (Level 1) and image reporting (Level 2) of both 2D and 3D imaging, primarily for smaller volume CBCT.
Completion of this course equips the practitioner with the knowledge required to comply with their responsibilities according to IRMER (Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations).
Course description
We offer a number of options ranging from the full, combined three day course, to individual sessions. You can book a place on the full three-day course below, or you can contact our team to explore your options by email [email protected]
Our combined three-day course builds from the first presentation. Full attendance is required to allow certification. Day 3 provides candidates with the opportunity to gain guided practical experience, and time to reflect on learning before completing the course.
Days 1 and 2 (17 and 18 December 2025)
Covers Level 1 and 2A course material (this allows didactic, group work and interactive workshop elements throughout).
Day 3 (4 February 2026)
Level 2B covers essential material after delegates have gained practical experience and had time to reflect on their learning, before completing the course.
A learner / delegate-centred approach is adopted throughout, allowing delegates to understand the theory behind the safe operation and referral for CBCT (IRMER Referrer role).
An holistic approach to Image reporting (IRMER Operator Reporter role) covering 2D and 3D imaging primarily for smaller volume CBCT is offered.
Learning outcomes
The course is delivered in two sessions – initial 2 days followed by a separate final day a few weeks after the first 2 day session to allow reflection and utilisation of new skills.
At the end of this course delegates will be able to:
- Make safe CBCT referrals with a sound understanding of the Physics / Radiation dosages involved and the patient factors to consider before utilising this 3D imaging modality
- Appreciate when 2D and 3D CBCT imaging are best used and how to access guidelines in this regard
- Recapitulate knowledge of 2D dental imaging and learn the anatomical patterns associated with CBCT 3D presentations to know what ‘normal’ looks like
- Appreciate the Radiation safety (IRMER and IRR legislation) surrounding the use of CBCT
- Operate / ‘Drive‘ CBCT viewing software – utilise MPR screens to interrogate the full FOV
- Safely analyse and construct a smaller Vol CBCT report using ‘protocols’ (utilising taught higher order thinking tools ) in a systematic fashion and know when to ask for help
- Analyse examples of concerning dental/maxillofacial disease presentations and know how best to refer on urgent cases. Recognise bone diseases and especially cancers on imaging
- Analyse relevant 2D and 3D image data and construct a recordable imaging report/assessment
- Begin to understand how image reporting errors / imaging pathway adverse events can occur and appreciate how SOPs, Bias and Human factors can influence this process.
Course lead

The course is run by Dr Neil Heath, a Consultant Dental and Maxillofacial Radiologist at Newcastle Dental Hospital.
An experienced educator in CBCT working in NHS, academic and industry sectors, Dr Heath is passionate about delivering relevant enjoyable courses, to like-minded colleagues.
- Dentists (hospital and high street – primary care and specialist)
- Medically qualified specialists involved in imaging the maxillofacial regions.
In order to book on this course you will need:
- GDC / GMC registration (HCPC registration if a Radiographer)
Financial information
If you are employed by Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, you can use the coupon code NUTH at the checkout to make a provisional booking and you will need to arrange access to in-house development funding. Your booking will remain provisional until your request has been validated with a funding/study leave reference.
If you are not employed by the Newcastle Hospitals an online card payment is required at the point of booking.
Alternatively, if you are to be funded by your employer an invoice can be requested by using the coupon code Invoice.
Please see Coupons for further information relating to coupon codes and how to use them at checkout.
Cancellation and refunds policy
Should you no longer be able to attend the event on the booked date, please contact the Academy as we may be able to offer an alternative date subject to an admin charge.
Should you still wish to cancel your booking, you or your employer will be charged as per the fees outlined below. Please contact [email protected] to cancel your booking.
Timescale | Fee paying course |
Over 6 weeks | £25 admin charge |
2 to 6 weeks | 50% of course fee |
0 to 2 weeks | 100% of course fee |
If you do not attend on the day, you will be charged the full cost of the event place.
See our Terms & Conditions and Cancellations & Refunds pages for more details.